Having proper sun protection is crucial, and it’s about more than just picking the right SPF. Factors that play a role also include how often your sunscreen is applied and the quantity that’s used. Some effective sunscreen applications can help people keep their skin safe under the sun, and here are some of the best practices out there.
Frequency of Sunscreen Application
Proper sunscreen application frequency is very important to achieve effective protection. According to experts, reapplying sunscreen every two hours is essential, and it should be done immediately after swimming, sweating, or towel drying.
Regular reapplication ensures the skin is always protected against harmful UV rays and reduces the risk of sunburn and illnesses like heatstroke due to dehydration. The protection wears off in around four hours, so reapplication is really important, as is checking if your bottle has expired.
How Much to Use
Using an adequate amount of sunscreen is important to achieve the SPF indicated on the product. It usually requires more than most people assume. The face needs two to three “fingertips” worth, and each body part needs around a tablespoon. So if you’re the kind of person who spreads their protection thin, you should change this habit.

Areas like the scalp, ears, and lips should not be forgotten because sun rays can reach those places that are often left exposed. Wearing protective clothing can sometimes be a good idea to cover those areas.
The Right Time to Apply
Applying sunscreen at the right time is also vital for its effectiveness. Most products recommend application 20 minutes before sun exposure, with reapplication every two hours or as needed.
Using SPF every day during sunnier months to guard against long-term skin damage is very important, and selecting a high SPF and a comprehensive UVA rating is also crucial. The higher the SPF, the better the overall protection.