Believe it or not, it’s a fact that walking for 30 minutes every day can considerably improve one’s health. Not only is it a fantastic form of low-impact exercise, but it’s also a great way to deal with mental and emotional problems.
Many people don’t recognize walking as a real workout. Some underestimate it because it’s easy, others because it’s enjoyable, and others because it’s too relaxing and common. But they’re all wrong! Taking a walk has many benefits and here are five of them:
1. Improves Heart Health
It’s no coincidence that walking is hailed as one of the most effective forms of exercise for heart health. Several prominent institutions have proven that taking a walk for half an hour or more each day can actually reduce the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, it can lower the risk of stroke by 35%, which is significant. Last but not least, daily walking maintains a healthy weight, helps with blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and boosts the metabolism, all of which play an important role in keeping a healthy heart.
2. Helps With Depression
Research shows that all kinds of physical activity, including walking, can considerably reduce depression. A study has recently determined that post-menopausal women who walked three times per week for at least 40 minutes at a time, were less depressed than their sedentary counterparts.
3. Boosts Immune Function
Daily walking is believed to improve the body’s immune function. According to experts, it can cause a change in antibodies and white blood cells, meaning it can allow the body to fight off a number of illnesses. In addition, taking a walk may flush bacteria from the airways and lungs, reducing the chance of catching a cold or picking up flu viruses.
4. Walking Strengthens the Joints
Walking can significantly reduce the development and progression of osteoarthritis. It can also help men and women manage the pain related to this form of arthritis. Research has shown that people with osteoarthritis who take daily walks had a 40% reduction in the development of new frequent knee pain, which can drastically improve one’s quality of life.
5. Lowers Stress
It’s no secret that any form of exercise reduces stress. Whether people take long walks or spend an hour lifting weights, their mood will instantly improve because of their body’s chemical reaction to being physically active. Walking, just like any other form of exercise, releases endorphins, which interact with receptors in the brain and make men and women feel good about themselves. Furthermore, this chemical reaction is known to increase pain tolerance and, in some cases, lead to a sense of euphoria. Even short, 10-minute walks can momentarily enhance people’s state of mind for the better.
Whether people choose to walk in segments or all at once, it’s their daily habit of going for a stroll that helps them improve their health, as well as quality of life. Walking doesn’t ask for much, except for the will to continuously place one foot in front of the other for a particular period of time.