Halloween 2023 is over but preparation for 2024 has already begun. One of the best things about Halloween is the carving of pumpkins. Most people have likely had to carve a pumpkin more than once, but there are always new things to learn. So, in this article, experts share their pumpkin-carving secrets for next year.
Useful Pumpkin Carving Tips
Choosing the right pumpkin for carving is your first step. The longest-lasting pumpkins are large and heavy, around 20 pounds, which also makes them perfect for bigger designs. If you want an easy-to-carve pumpkin, choose a smooth and light one. To match your design idea, go for a tall pumpkin for faces and Jack O’Lanterns or a round one for landscapes.

Useful Pumpkin Carving TipsFor detailed Jack O’Lantern designs, stencils or templates can be incredibly helpful. To secure the pattern while carving, you can either use sewing transfer paper and a pen or marker or utilize ¾ inch bulletin board straight pins. For perfect shapes, you can also employ cookie cutters with a gentle tap. You can even use an electric whisk to help remove the stringy stuff from inside the pumpkin.
Go White for a Different Look
You can also try a white pumpkin for something different. Look for a firm, thick, slightly green stem to make sure the pumpkin is fresh and will last. But don’t lift the pumpkin by the stem to avoid breaking it or making it rot too soon.

White pumpkins are perfect for painting if you’re not a fan of carving, and let’s face it, it’s much easier, especially for younger children.
Prep first, Then Designs
Begin by scooping out the seeds with an ice cream scoop. Then, create a scraping tool by shaping an old credit card into a half-moon and thin the interior of the pumpkin where you intend to carve, making it about 1 inch thick, ensuring effective carving with the typically 2 to 3-inch long carving tools.
When you’re making unique Jack O’Lantern faces and designs, be creative with your tools. You can use things from your kitchen or toolbox like a melon baller, lemon zester, chisel, or drill bit for cool 3D effects!
If you prefer a traditional approach, consider store-bought carving kits with essential tools and templates, even used by professionals like Gene Granata. To preserve seeds for roasting, place the pumpkin “guts” in a bowl of water to separate the seeds from the stringy parts.
Prolong Life
To extend the life of your jack-o’-lantern, skip the common stem-cutting method. Instead, follow the advice of Michael Natiello, the creative director of The Great Jack O’ Lantern Blaze: cut a hole in the pumpkin’s bottom and discard it to maintain structural stability.
To prolong your jack-o’-lantern’s life, cover it with plastic wrap or store it in a cool place if carved in advance. If you want to display it, apply petroleum jelly to cut areas to prevent rot. Battery-operated candles or tea lights are recommended for lighting, as they maintain moisture and offer versatile lighting options.