Jenny Radcliffe is somewhat of a security expert because she was a burglar in the early years of her life and can access any area. Today, she uses her unique skills for positive purposes, not personal gain. Acquiring expertise from her parents as a teenager, Jenny entered the realm of breaking-and-entering by testing her abilities and exploring vacant properties due to boredom.
Avoiding Security Mistakes Is Crucial
Heading towards a lifetime of crime, Jenny could have easily taken a wrong turn in life, but she stumbled upon a different path. About 20 years ago, she met a soccer player at a bar who asked her to help in testing out his new home security system. Jenny used her expertise and got in by simply talking to the cleaner. This experience led her to become an expert who helps find and fix security weaknesses for a fee.

In an interview, Jenny explained that people never suspected her because she didn’t appear threatening. According to her, people should never judge someone by appearances alone and be more vigilant when trusting someone. She also shared how she could get into some places by holding coffee and files as a cover. As an expert, she revealed some common security mistakes that people often make and unwittingly assist criminals looking for a vulnerability.
Be Careful With Cameras
Leaving a camera system unprotected is a common security mistake that homeowners make. Even if there is a door camera, a clever burglar can take advantage of it and them. Providers track and share information, posing a potential concern as any connected device remains vulnerable to hacking.

Personal responsibility for security and privacy is crucial because those devices are beneficial when used correctly. Using alarms and other precautions is still very recommendable because burglars want to move freely and hate noise and being caught.
Don’t Share Too Much
Sharing too much personal information on social media is one of the most common mistakes. Jenny stated that this could accidentally give criminals the information they need regarding a target’s habits and schedule. Knowing someone’s routine is key for a burglar, and offering that information online becomes a security issue.
People also often leave tools that can help a burglar break in lying around. Houses with exposed ladders or unlocked garages with break-in tools are examples of what not to do. Another good practice is to ensure every door and window has a sturdy lock. There are also other common security mistakes, like trusting new neighbors or cleaners with a spare key or having all the lights off when not at home. After all, one can never be too careful.